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Polish Express helps homeless Poles in London

On December 8th starts the periodic charity campaign to help homeless Poles in need living in London. Just like a year ago, “Christmas bag for homeless” is organized  by “Polish Express” and Sylwia Kmita, philanthropist and social activist, winner of the “Polish Hero of the Year” award.

Among the large group of Poles living the ordinary life in the UK, there are also those whom found themselves in a difficult, and even hopeless situation. With no job, no place to live, and without possibility of returning to their homeland.

Fortunately, there are people like Sylvia Kmita, whose determination, big heart and willingness to help “Christmas bag for homeless” exists.

“When Sylvia Kmita came to us last year and asked for help to organize the charity campaign for the homeless Poles in London we knew that it’s an important initiative. We joined her without any hesitation!” – says Ilona Korzeniowska, Editor in Chief of “Polish Express”. “The previous campaign turned out to be a great success. That is why this year we have even bigger plans! Since October editors of “Polish Express” are helping as much as they can with festive enthusiasm” – adds Korzeniowska.

We strongly encourage you to support the charity campaign “Christmas bag for homeless”. Please find the datails on the www.polishexpress.co.uk and soon on posters in Polish stores in London.

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Polish Express helps homeless Poles in London
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